So the first row of the Collectibles page are Chapters 1 and 2, then 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8. In the case of the UAC Marineguy Collectibles there are two per mission, and they go left to right and top to bottom. Note that in the pause menu & end-level overview, it shows how many collectibles you got. – While most secrets are located alongside many of those items, some secrets don’t have any of those items there but a gun instead, so it can be a bit annoying to find some of the secrets when there’s no indication as to where they are. This Area-Scanning Technology shows all Collectible locations, but it doesn’t specifically show the Secret locations the UAC Marineguy dolls are found in. With that you can load up the mission you’re missing the Collectible in at any time via chapter select, and see its exact location right from the start, so you don’t go on a wild goose chase through the level. – The trick to finding these collectable action figures quickly is to max out the Area-Scanning Technology category of the Praetor Suit! The “Full View” upgrade you get from doing that allows you to immediately see where all Collectibles are on the map. Collectibles: There are two UAC Marineguy collectibles in every mission of the story Campaign Mode.Some rooms will have a collectible or item you must pick up to get the secret. Explore hidden rooms & Classic DOOM map areas: These will have a hidden lever / switch nearby that you must pull to open up the secret door to the room.Tip: You have successfully found a secret when the on-screen text reads “Secret Found”, which often coincides with advancing in the Mission Challenge titled “Quite the Explorer” that requires a certain number of Secrets to be found before you complete the mission. Next Page: DOOM 2016 Argent Cells Locations Guide.

Next Page: DOOM 2016 Weapons Locations Guide.Next Page: DOOM 2016 Classic Maps Locations Guide.Next Page: DOOM 2016 Data Logs Locations Guide.Next Page: DOOM 2016 UAC Marineguy Collectibles Locations Guide.Next Page: DOOM 2016 Achievements Guide.This Page: DOOM 2016 Secrets Locations Guide.Mission 13: Argent D’Nur Secret Locations.Mission 12: VEGA Central Processing Secret Locations.Mission 11: The Necropolis Secret Locations.Mission 10: Titan’s Realm Secret Locations.Mission 9: Lazarus Tanks Secret Locations.Mission 8: Advanced Research Complex Secret Locations.Mission 7: Argent Facility (Destroyed) Secret Locations.Mission 6: Kadingir Sanctum Secret Locations.Mission 5: Argent Energy Tower Secret Locations.Mission 4: Argent Facility Secret Locations.Mission 2: Resource Operations Secret Locations.